In celebration of the war’s end, the residents of Falkland and surrounding area planned a large picnic. Enthusiastically, they came by wagon, buggy, horseback and car to visit with friends whom they’d not seen for months. The children were doubly excited with the advent of races, lots of food and homemade ice cream. On the date of March 24, 1919, in the gyp field in the north west corner of the townsite they gathered. No one ever dreamed this gathering would become the Falkland Stampede, a legend in B.C. history!
The 1936 Stampede Dance was held in the new Falkland Community Hall. The hall was filled to capacity while the Cariboo Rangers from Kamloops provided the music on this occasion. In 1938 the Association made another enterprising decision by purchasing eleven acres west of the townsite for a recreational and stampede grounds. Falkland’s little rodeo turned professional on 1969 and was registered with the C.P.A (Cowboys Protective Association).
Today the Falkland Stampede ranks in calibre among the top twelve in Canada.